face it sex is a big part of a relationship and if you have been
together for along time
your sex life may have became boring and routine. When that happens its time to start
finding new ways to add spice back to your sex life and keep it interesting.
your sex life may have became boring and routine. When that happens its time to start
finding new ways to add spice back to your sex life and keep it interesting.
We live in a sexual, kinky world, what works on one couple doesn't necessarily work on another. So don't be afraid to try something new sexually and keep experimenting until you have hit that sexual high with your partner.
to add more spice back to your sex life? We have provided 15
help guide you
in the right direction.
in the right direction.
Play In Bed. Role playing is a
great way to add excitement in your sex life. Try being a doctor and
nurse, student and professor or whatever your wildest fantasies are.
Throw in a sexy costume and props and your on your way to spiceing up
your sex life.
Foreplay. Foreplay is one if
the best teasers to having great sex. Spend atleast 30 minutes,
exploring each other bodies and turning each other on. Before to long
you will end up having mind blowing sex.
make sex so predicatible. Try
to avoid “set nights you have sex”. No matter how you life will
get busy, avoid the predictibilty and be more unpredicitible. It will
prevent you from getting into that same ole boring sex routine.
More Flirty. Be more flirty
with your partner, make it feel like you just started dating. Tell
him how sexy they are, give them passionate kisses or just whisper
sweet nothings in there ears. Flirt, Flirt and Flirt.
toys and lotions. Bring more
excitement in your bedroom. Go to your local sex shop and buy some
sex toys, lotions and anything else that will get your juices
flowing. You will be susprised in how much your sex life will be more
in fantasies. Everybody has
there own fantasies they would like to fullfill, ask your partner
what they would like and indulge in them together. Have sex on the
beach or sex in the rain.
Your Lover Sexually. Give your
partner a sexual high by susprising them sexually. Rather it be
laying naked in the bed when they get home or not wearing any
underwear so they can have easy access.
More Creative. Think beyond the
bed and find more exciting places to have sex. Have sex in your
kitchen, bathroom, outside, pool. The places are limitless, let your
imagination flow and the sexual rewards will be worth it.
Massages. Massages are a good
way to get you and partner eroused, without focusing on just sex. Let
your fingers linger on those tantalizing spots and soon you and your
partner will be in orgasmic bliss.
Texts. You don't have to be
with your partner to seduce them. Send them hot, flirty texts during
the day or get adventurious by sending them a sexy photo of you.
Tease your partner and let them anticipate what is store for them
when they get home.
Clothes. Buy reveling clothes
and wear them around your partner. Nothing more arousing then
watching your partner accidently reveal something. Invest in some
sexy lingerie for some hot, steamy nights.
Noises. Hearing your partner
moan in pleasure or talking dirty in bed, is one of the biggest turn
on's. Be as vocal in the bedroom as you can and watch your partner
peform that much better.
Around. Take time to always be
affectionate with your partner, while taking it to a whole new level.
Start nippling on there ear while there watching tv or unzip there
pants and go down on them. Even if you don't have that “alone
time” take advantge of
what time you have to be affectionate with one another.
Bring in new exciting ways to spice up your sex life. Try new things
that you and your partner have never experienced. Rather it be
bondage, having sex outside or just plain hot, kinky sex. Don't be
afraid to try new things, remember the goal is to keep your sex life
Sexual Positions. Try different
sexual positions if can every night, start with one position and move
to another one. You will be susprised at how many different sexual
positions there are, do research online and find out for yourself.
Diffently keeps the bordem out of the bedroom.
these 15 tips on how to spice up your sex life and you and your
partner will have the sexual high of your life!
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